Made from pigs born, bred and slaughtered in Italy, medium-size ham with a moderate amount of grease covering it, good consistency, sweet taste and delicate. Our PREMIATA SALUMERIA will amaze you with its versatility and for its already very unique flavour and fragrance.
Curing: 14/16 months
Deboned size: 7/9 kg
Our Parma Ham is gluten-free and suitable for coeliacs. Entirely natural. Does not contain preservatives or additives.
Gluten-free (the product is suitable for coeliacs) – No potential allergen (Ref. Dir. 2007/68/EC of 27.11.2007 – Ann. III bis and associated regulations) – No GMOs (Ref. EC Reg. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 and associated regulations)