Made from pigs born, bred and slaughtered in Italy, accurately selected and processed according to our production rules and regulations. Tender and sweet. With considerable trimming and of a good size, our 16-month old ham is used by those who want to enjoy a more delicate and simple flavour. For everyone.
Curing: 16 months and more
Size with bone: 9.5/11 kg
Our Parma Ham is gluten-free and suitable for coeliacs. Entirely natural. Does not contain preservatives or additives.
Gluten-free (the product is suitable for coeliacs) – No potential allergen (Ref. Dir. 2007/68/EC of 27.11.2007 – Ann. III bis and associated regulations) – No GMOs (Ref. EC Reg. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 and associated regulations)